Marketing ideas to promote jewellery business on Instagram

With 1 billion plus users Instagram isn’t a social media platform to flaunt your fancy dinners or those gorgeous holidays that one seems to take quite too often but it has enhanced its uses. Instagram is all about the visuals, attracting and enticing users to double tap that image but how has it influenced businesses and especially the jewellery business?

Here are a few pointers on how to promote jewellery business on Instagram

Create a profile

Instagram Profile Creation

Everything begins somewhere and in terms of promoting your jewellery business or any business on Instagram for that matter would be to create a profile. Make sure you create a business account and not a personal account as both come with different features. A business account keeps track of interactions and prompts insights on how your account could progress. Creating a profile would include choosing a profile picture and an attractive bio. Bear in mind Instagram is all about the visuals and lesser about words and your profiles bio is the only place you could impress your followers with your words. Choose and get the likes and followers flowing in.


Instagram photos size & tips

As we are quite aware, Instagram is all about the visuals then it is clear that the photographs you post have got to be of excellent quality. Thanks to our smartphones for allowing us to embrace the photographer within us and editing is not restricted only for the pros but with the ample apps available online we are as good as the pros. Creating backgrounds that catch the viewer’s attention will come a long way. In order for the images to be relevant, know your target audience and create images that bridge the gap of distance using the concept of connectivity.

Write a caption

Instagram Caption

Fill it in with the details of your product. Size, colour, shape and every piece of your viewers would require. These are the important factors that let them finalize whether the piece of jewellery is for them or not. Therefore, let your content be accurate and legible. Let’s not forget the hash tags. If you are new to using Instagram, here is what a hashtag is, “a phrase preceded by a hash sign #, used on Instagram to identify a specific topic”. One of which could go like this #fashionjewellery #jewelleryforwomen and you could take it from there. You could choose a unique hashtag that would be used for your business and its use will trace it back to your profile.

These are the top 3 steps on how to promote jewellery business online. After the whole process of setting up and uploading do not forget to hit the post button. Your profile is ready to go.

Here are a few exclusive jewellery marketing ideas that would enhance and uplift the credibility of your Instagram profile.

1. Video content

Get creative with your video content. Although the time given is limited use those few seconds to bring out the best of your jewellery business. Get those cameras rolling to take a shoot of your best collection. Make it relevant and creative that the crowd would not have second thoughts on their purchase but would have an instant epiphany that their jewellery box is in need of that piece.

2. Add stories and engaging content

Instagram has made interactions simple. Consistency in the posting of stories and interactive sessions help keep your followers interest. If you jewellery suits the crowd between the age of 20 to 30 years, keep in mind that this crowd varies from a wide range of college-going young women to those busy establishing their careers and if your jewellery fits their role creating content that gives them a clear picture that pair of earrings is for them then it works in your favour.

3. Interactive offers

Who doesn’t love a steal? Create promos and offers to attract your followers. Therefore, get those discounts rolling but keep in mind that too much of it could diminish the value of your product.

With the above tips on jewellery marketing ideas, you could have your followers and likes flowing in.

Instagram has changed since the inception of businesses both small scale and large scale giving every form of business the opportunity to display their services and products with countless success stories. Jewellery is not a necessity but a form of accessory that adds value or excitement to oneself. Keep in mind to prompt for follows likes and reposts and respond to all follows. Give them a double tap to show them you are watching as well.

Contact us today to get a complete Instagram strategy for your business from Fresh Digi Hub


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