Brand Identity

Your brand identity depicts the face of your brand. All the visual elements- the logo, colours, typeface etc combine to create an impression of the brand that is going to be its personality from now on.

Great care has to be taken while building a brand identity as the first impression makes the best impression and you cannot afford to spoil it. This is why you have to entrust this delicate task of building your brand identity to professionals like Fresh Digi Hub.

Brand Identity

What is a brand?

A “brand” is the impression or feeling the consumer get about the company. It is a relationship between the company and the customer.

A brand is the set of intangible features that combine to create an impression about the product or business.

In order to attain recognition, your product or business must be a “unique brand”.

What is brand identity?

The features of a brand that make the customer recognize it distinctly constitute its brand identityBrand identity encompasses 

Logo design

Visual images

Print design

Packaging design

Graphic design

Social media design

Web or digital design

All the brand attributes like the logo, typeface, colours, graphic elements, backgrounds etc. must be depicted uniformly across the various online and offline channels to maintain brand identity.

Only master brand creators like Fresh Digi Hub can create a distinct and dignified visual design for your brand identity.

Brand identity Strategy

Brand identity is vital for your business as it

Gives a face to your brand

Distinctly sets your brand apart from others

Gives a character to your brand

Creates  a USP for your brand

Evokes brand loyalty and trust

Augments sales

What Our Client Says?

Brand identity with Fresh Digi Hub

At Fresh Digi Hub, we have a team of brand creators, graphic designers, content writers, brand strategists and brand researchers to help evolve your brand identity.

First, we do brand research to identify which brand attributes work best for your product and business. Then we analyze your brand and recognize its strengths to be projected. We then earmark the brand attributes and offer a blueprint to the brand strategists and creators. The brand strategists decide on which brand attributes are to be highlighted and which will work best for your brand. The graphics team evolves visual images of the logo while the content team works on the taglines and brand messages. Finally, the logo and content are put together to carve an identity for the brand. with multiple choices on hand, you get to choose the best option for your brand identity.  With your suggestions, we finetune the image and content to give the final and fittest version.

We also undertake the redesign of your existing brand identity to give it a fresher and finer look.

Build your brand identity with a lasting impact till eternity. 

Brand identity is at its best at Fresh Digi Hub, don’t miss it.

Fresh Digi Hub